Tuesday 6 August 2013

Sales Process

The Royal Engineers Export Support Team made many contacts for Global Technical Ltd via their attendance at exhibitions world wide.

Enquiries direct to Global Technical Ltd via UK embassy's world wide.

Enquiries via Association of Public and Police Security Suppliers and Defence Manufacturers Association.

Word of mouth from existing clients.

90 % of Global Technicals work was in conjunction with approved in country companies registered with law enforcement organisations.

The client would approach either Global Technical Ltd direct or via the agent who would then request either an initial demonstration in the UK at Chattendean or in country.
Heather Bolton, Heather Vousden, David Vousden would deal with these.

The initial demonstration was an introduction to the device and its capability.
Generally 3 different trials were made or whatever the client had set up.
In the UK the REEST would make the presentation and give out the literature which included the REEST trial report. A live trial would be made at Lodge Hill, the training area for UK EOD/search personnel. This would include samples being placed by clients for REEST to locate.

The second stage, if the client was happy with the first, would be a more in depth range of trials in country with their samples and their set up - matching the operational requirements of the individual clients.

Some clients would approve for purchase after this range of trials. Normally a small number would be purchased for long term trials.
On occasion the client would request long term live trials prior to purchase to see how the Mole/GT200 would perform in 'real life'.

Often offers were made to supply on a lease or rental basis.

75% of clients returned to make further orders based on the success of the initial orders.

A confidence trick!! How can each stage of the process be a trick. Does the UK government really believe that everybody except them is stupid and gullible.

Maybe you could trick people for the first set of tests or maybe the second but there is absolutely no explanation for why 75% of clients who have made trials have purchased more units over the following years. In some cases up to 10 years relationship. Why would the company keep the relationship going, marketing other equipment to the same client if they had tricked them with the Mole/GT200.

This is a farce. People would not continue to buy if the unit just did not work in the field.

Warranty was offered for 5 years. Bid and performance bonds were set up for many contracts.

No representative of Global Technical Ltd, agent or reseller has ever been prosecuted by a client country over the sale of the Mole or GT200. Surely the first step would be the in country representative.

Many representatives sell a whole range of products to their in country clients so again begs the question, if the Mole/GT200 did not work then why continue selling it?

After the sale, training always takes place and is adapted to the client. With many clients they are trained to be able to train their own personnel in instances of high turnover of people or prefer to take it over themselves and call on the company for specialist courses and follow up training.

In some countries the main user makes demonstrations or recommendations to other in country users.

Are all these people part of the 'scam', nonsense, how can they be?

At the trial the police could only present one client that was not happy - and they only purchased 1. This case will be detailed separately. They were British American Tobacco.

After being in business for 14 years selling to so many countries, with all the media coverage why couldn't the Police produce any 'victims'. Is that because there are none!!

Customers were:
Police both national and local.
National Intelligence units.
Special Forces.
VIP and Presidential protection teams.
Royal Protection teams
Drug enforcement departments
Bomb disposal units
Navy, Army, Airforce
Infrastructure security teams.
Border protection
Interdiction teams

In many countries all the law enforcement departments are a small knit community and it is beyond belief that they do not talk or discuss fraudulent equipment!

Are the UK government really saying that none of these people can see a scam when they meet one. That they are so stupid, they are easily conned.

And to suggest corruption or bribery, the Police did not charge anybody, so just why did all these people buy, when the company back in the early 2000s was turning over around £300k. That's a lot of very cheaply corrupted people. My estimate is about £5 each!!

Make your own mind up.